
Dark Matter

My Monthly Aresian Horoscope

March 21 - April 19

So the last few days are part of the last few weeks which make up at least 2 months of general despondency and lack of motivation. I've been crossed by feelings of directionless distress and creative anxiety. However, last night I began what might become the means to pull me out of the overcast gloom. After weeks of searching for inspiration or simply lacking interest in any subject willing to inspire, I now sit with a smile on face and obsession in ears.

I started a soundtrack.

Two pieces yesterday and one today. It feels good, productivity.

So yes, I started a soundtrack. Never mind you that there is no film, neither in the works or in post-production. I have the story in my head and I'm writing it as I go along, the film will be written to the score. I cannot divulge too much as I've noticed in the past that pleasing ideas become less interesting after you share them, they are that less yours and you resent it a bit. All I can say is it'll be titled Cosmonaut and I will find a way to have it available for all who wish to listen.

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