A Dandy in Aspic - (1968) Directed by Anthony Mann,
Laurence Harvey; Starring Laurence Harvey, Tom Courtenay,
Mia Farrow, Harry Andrews and Peter Cook
I didn't like this too much. The cast was good, I just didn't find myself too invested in the story. Perhaps its the fact that the director passed away during its filming and Laurence Harvey stepped in to finish directing the film. That might account for some of the confusion I felt in trying to follow the story. It might also be the case that its one of those films that just grow on you the more you watch them.
Quincy Jones provided the soundtrack, although, one went too long a time before hearing any of it. Besides the opening/closing credits most of the music (which was very little) didn't fully compliment the film.
The presence of Peter Cook, John and Norman Bird, gave the film a comedic quality that was out of context as the film seemed to be serious in direction. I just don't know what to think of the film or whether I should care to try again. The triumph of this film was that it was unpredictable, but in a bad way; nothing that I expected to happen happened but what occurred in its place, held very little impact. Yet, for some reason I do kind of want to see it again. If for no other reason than Mia Farrow being so beautiful and Peter Cook, so out of place.
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