I just finished reading God: A Biography by Jack Miles and I must recommend this book to anyone at all interested in religion or mythology or literary criticism. Jack Miles presents his thoughts through neutral intrigue and carries the reader forward, on a second hand adventure. Its almost as if I'm watching the author read the bible and following as he draws commentary that provides more for The Bible as a work of literature than a work of spiritual worship. Providing the first helps you understand the second, or at least opens new perspectives on the second.
I think I began reading this book in November. Or I began reading this book once again, since I've owned the book for a few years now and only was able to get passed the first 3-4 chapters this November. I've been really bad at reading, lately. Finishing the last sentence last night while attempting to watch The Matrix: Revolutions was somewhat satisfying. In fact very pleasurable, if it were only the book. I really want to talk to people about Jack Miles' Pulitzer Prize winner but so many of my friends don't want to hear about God. Immediately, guards go up and they assume I'm at all interested in a manner that finds me attached religiously to the subject. Not so, I couldn't be more detached after reading God: A Biography. Ironically enough, I'm quite eager to buy a copy of The Holy Bible to read. Its an important piece of literature and history. Not that the events in the Bible are in fact historical but the Bible itself and its effects have shaped history since its completion. It brings to mind, what religions have come from the reading of this work and also how much has become interpretation versus what is literally written in the scripture.
I think I will now reread Philip K. Dick's The Divine Invasion accompanied by a side reading of another book I've procrastinated to commence, The Gnostic Jung.
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